Friday, November 10, 2006

Welcome to the Brief

Hello, well my first entry into my blog, bit clueless at the mo. This blog is to help me create a greater understanding of the technology of digital devices such as Mobiles, PDA, Sat Nav, and iPods, how they are incorporated in to social networks such as this site,,,, and (just a few examples) and from this information which is created on these social networks think of a device which it can be incorporated into.

With this device think about how you the public can find this information, share it, play with it, talk about it and recommend it to others in the community. The importance of the screen size of the desired device is very important depending on the function e.g Text, Pictures, Music and Videos.
An example would be where the user has the ability to upload photo's to their account by the use of the mobile phone, and share it with the world, in return comments, sharing and recommending is produced through groups, tags, and new entries.

Ideally I want this device to be Web 2.0 accessible. let Wikipedia tell you!

It refers to a supposed second-generation of Internet-based services — such as social networking sites, wikis, communication tools, and folksonomies — that emphasize online collaboration and sharing among users.' (from

Examples of Web 2.0

Web 1.0 Web 2.0
  • DoubleClick --> Google AdSense
  • Ofoto --> Flickr
  • Akamai --> BitTorrent
  • --> Napster
  • Britannica Online --> Wikipedia
  • personal websites --> blogging
  • evite --> and EVDB
  • domain name
    speculation --> search engine optimization
  • page views --> cost per click
  • screen scraping --> web services
  • publishing --> participation
  • content
  • management systems --> wikis
  • directories (taxonomy) --> tagging ("folksonomy")
  • stickiness --> syndication
So my brief is to think of an event or product that gets a message out to the people, but gets people in through mulitply devices. Planning for a specfic device will require research into what they do with this device, how much they use it, and when. Think about output devices and where this can implemented.
It should have the ability to let the user do want they want, they are my target audience, so they know what they want with reguards to content and functionality.

Any suggestions are welcome. I will be updating this blog with new ideas and concepts.


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